2013 Register of Senate senior executive officers' interests
Dear Department of the Senate,
Can you please send me a copy of the latest Register of Senate senior executive officers' interests?
It was tabled in parliament (http://www.openaustralia.org/senate/?gid...) and mentioned in ParlInfo (http://parlinfo.aph.gov.au/parlInfo/sear...) but I can't find any copies of it published on aph.gov.au
Yours faithfully,
Henare Degan
Dear Henare,
Thank you for your e-mail.
As you may be aware, the Department of the Senate is not subject to the
Freedom of Information Act 1982, but the Department seeks, where possible,
to observe the spirit of the Act in respect of documents of an
administrative nature. Our Annual Report confirms this approach, and it
may be obtained here:
As the document you have requested (Notifications of Alterations of
Interests of Senate Senior Executive Officers Lodged Between 28 November
2012 and 26 June 2013) was tabled in the Senate on 28 June 2013, this
means that it is available to the public. Please find attached a copy of
this document.
Yours sincerely,
Bronwyn Notzon
Bronwyn Notzon
Usher of the Black Rod
Department of the Senate
Parliament House, Canberra
T: 02 6277 3398
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Dear Bronwyn,
Thank you very much for your replies to my two requests.
I am aware that the Department of the Senate is not subject to the FOI Act and I think that by observing the spirit of the Act your Department sets a very positive example for the rest of government. Thank you again.
I have two questions about the register:
* The document provided is the notification of alterations, do you have a copy of the register itself to provide a complete picture?
* Are tabled documents like this already provided online somewhere?
Many thanks,
Henare Degan
Dear Henare,
Thank you for your e-mail. I regret the delay in responding to you - I had initially responded to your e-mail, but I have just become aware that an e-mail fault at my end prevented the message from going through.
In answer to your question, the Register is a collection of papers - it consists of the initial declaration made by an officer, to which an officer may add or delete matters. Please find attached the Register as it stands for the current Senate (July 2011 - now) which includes all the initial declarations, and any subsequent additions or deletions made to those declarations.
Tabled documents may be accessed through this link: http://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Busi... and the Inquiries section in our Senate Table Office may also be contacted via e-mail through [email address], or via telephone on 02 6277 3010, for any assistance with tabled papers.
Yours sincerely,
Bronwyn Notzon
Bronwyn Notzon
Usher of the Black Rod
Department of the Senate
Parliament House, Canberra
T: 02 6277 3398
We’re on twitter …
Dear Bronwyn,
Thanks once again for getting back to me with this information.
Yours sincerely,
Henare Degan