A list of all inward facing documents on the combined library of information and knowledge (CLIK)

The request was refused by Department of Veterans' Affairs.

Dear Department of Veterans' Affairs,

Under FOI I request a list of all inward facing documents on the combined library of information and knowledge (CLIK). A list that is prepared under S. 17 will be acceptable.
I do not require copies of any documents, just a list of the documents title names and categories they are listed under.

Yours faithfully,

Arthur Jordan

INFORMATION.ACCESS, Department of Veterans' Affairs

Thank you for your email. Please accept this automatic reply as
confirmation the Information Access Unit has received your email. An IA
Officer will contact you in due course, we appreciate your patience in the


This email is monitored during business hours Monday to Friday excluding
Public Holidays.


The Open Arms Veterans & Families Counselling service is available to
support members of the veteran and ex-service community and their families
and can be contacted toll free on 1800 011 046 (24/7). This number is for
counselling only. If you require urgent assistance, please call 000. If
you are unwell, please contact your local doctor or go to your nearest
hospital. You can also visit the Open Arms
website [1]https://www.openarms.gov.au/



Visible links
1. https://www.openarms.gov.au/%0dThe%20Saf...

INFORMATION.ACCESS, Department of Veterans' Affairs

6 Attachments

Dear Mr Jordan,

The Department of Veterans' Affairs (the department) has received your
request for access to information under the Freedom of Information Act
1982 (FOI Act). I note you have requested access to the following:

''Under FOI I request a list of all inward facing documents on the
combined library of information and knowledge (CLIK). A list that is
prepared under S. 17 will be acceptable.
I do not require copies of any documents, just a list of the documents
title names and categories they are listed under.'

Your request was received by the department on 25 March 2023 and the
ordinary 30 day statutory period for processing your request commenced
from the day after that date.


Extension of Time

Due to an increase in the number of information access applications
currently being received by the department, we are asking your agreement
to an extension of time for a further 30 days to process this request
under section 15AA of the FOI Act. This would mean that your request is
due on 24 May 2023.


If we are in a position to make a decision on your request earlier than
this date, we will endeavour to do so.


The statutory period may also be extended if we need to consult third
parties or for other reasons permitted under the FOI Act. We will advise
you if this happens.


Please reply by return email if you agree to this extension of time. If
you do agree we will notify the Office of the Australian Information
Commissioner (OAIC) of your agreement under section 15AA of the FOI Act.




The Department will notify you within 14 days of an estimate of the
charges that will apply to your request for non-personal information
before we process any requested documents or impose a final charge.


Your address


The FOI Act requires that you provide us with an address that we can send
notices to. You have advised your electronic address is
[1][FOI #10105 email]  . Unless you tell us
otherwise, we will send all notices and correspondence to this address.


Disclosure log


Information released under the FOI Act may be published on a disclosure
log on our website, subject to certain exceptions. These exceptions
include where publication of personal, business, professional or
commercial information would be unreasonable.


Request to treat certain material as out of scope or irrelevant to the


To the extent the department has documents in its possession that fall
within the scope of your request, we intend to treat the following
information as out of scope or irrelevant to your request, pursuant to
section 22(1)(b)(ii) of the FOI Act:

1.       The surnames, signatures and direct contact details of non-SES
Commonwealth employees and contractors, including clinical staff working
for Open Arms - Veterans & Families Counselling; and

2.       The signatures of third party individuals.

If you agree to the department treating these details as irrelevant,
please advise by 3 April 2023.


Further assistance


If you have any questions about your request, please email
[2][DVA request email]


Yours sincerely



Kevin  Position Number – 62210946

Information Access Officer

Information Access Unit I Client Access and Rehabilitation Branch

Client Engagement and Support Services Division

Department of Veterans’ Affairs

1800 VETERAN (1800 838 372)

[3][DVA request email]








Visible links
1. mailto:[FOI #10105 email]
2. mailto:[DVA request email]
3. mailto:[DVA request email]
4. http://www.dva.gov.au/
5. https://www.facebook.com/DVAAus
6. https://twitter.com/DVAAus
7. https://au.linkedin.com/company/australi...
8. https://www.youtube.com/DVATVAus

Dear Sir,
I refer to your request for a 30 day extension of this FOI request.
As I have previously advised Ramona (Dep. Director), I do not want to appear to be adversarial (despite previous actions by DVA staff towards me), therefore I am prepared to consent to your request for a 30 day extension to fulfill this FOI request.
As I have also stated to Ramona and other staff, you are more than welcome to speak to me via telephone to clarify anything. You will find that I don't bite, raise my voice nor treat you with anything other than courtesy and respect. I trust that this will be reciprocated.
Yours sincerely,
Arthur Jordan

INFORMATION.ACCESS, Department of Veterans' Affairs

Thank you for your email. Please accept this automatic reply as
confirmation the Information Access Unit has received your email. An IA
Officer will contact you in due course, we appreciate your patience in the


This email is monitored during business hours Monday to Friday excluding
Public Holidays.


The Open Arms Veterans & Families Counselling service is available to
support members of the veteran and ex-service community and their families
and can be contacted toll free on 1800 011 046 (24/7). This number is for
counselling only. If you require urgent assistance, please call 000. If
you are unwell, please contact your local doctor or go to your nearest
hospital. You can also visit the Open Arms
website [1]https://www.openarms.gov.au/



Visible links
1. https://www.openarms.gov.au/%0dThe%20Saf...

INFORMATION.ACCESS, Department of Veterans' Affairs

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Jordan

Thank you for your information access request LEX 56865.

Please find attached my decision letter relating to your request.

Kind regards,

Frankie| Information Access Officer
Position 62210799
Information Access Unit  I Client Access and Rehabilitation Branch
Client Engagement and Support Services Division
Department of Veterans’ Affairs
[DVA request email]

show quoted sections

Dear Department of Veterans' Affairs,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Department of Veterans' Affairs's handling of my FOI request 'A list of all inward facing documents on the combined library of information and knowledge (CLIK)'.

A close perusal of the total history of this matter will show that DVA is just commenting on matters raised by me in an attempt to assist them to do their job, piecemeal, and not in their entirety. It appears that DVA does NOT want to make a proper attempt to provide the documents sought. Just because you cannot or will not obtain a transcript of Luke Browns evidence before the AAT, doesn't mean that my notes of what he said in sworn evidence is incorrect. Just because I was an observer via a Livestream and made notes, does not mean I have no credibility. My notes are contemporaneous, whereas you indicate that Luke Brown's recollections are not, which legally normally indicate that my evidence is to be preferred, yet you do the opposite.

I called into question the information from un-named technical people against the information I have obtained from my own technical people who live and breath Drupal yet you dismiss my information out of hand without indicating how you weighed each persons knowledge and credibility. You are the Tribunal of Fact, yet you do nothing but make wild assertions without backing them up or indicating why you prefer on version over another.

There is a matter I raised that still has not been addressed by the previous un-named DVA staff who have dealt with my FOI's and Internal Reviews. You still haven't addressed my question raised earlier as to why DVA do NOT have access to their own documents but have to rely on Services Australia to give them permission to gain access to said documents, particularly those held on the Inward Facing CLIK. When I raise these (and other) matters not being addressed with DVA, I am told that DVA considered my matters "Functus Officio" and I must raise these issues in a new FOI or raise them with the OAIC.

If a Court or Tribunal has made a mistake, it is incumbent on them to re-open the matter and address and fix the error. Again, I submit that DVA is NOT acting in good faith in dealing with FOI requests.

As a perusal of many responses by me to DVA, you will note the following comments:-
"As I have previously advised Ramona (Dep. Director), I do not want to appear to be adversarial (despite previous actions by DVA staff towards me), therefore I am prepared to consent to your request for a 30 day extension to fulfill this FOI request.
As I have also stated to Ramona and other staff, you are more than welcome to speak to me via telephone to clarify anything. You will find that I don't bite, raise my voice nor treat you with anything other than courtesy and respect. I trust that this will be reciprocated. " Even your own training manuals written by Molly Cook of DVA Legal and also a hired legal firm assisting DVA, indicate how to perform your duties regarding FOI, yet you still refuse to do so and just go on your merry may and ignore your own Policies and the Legislation.

Ignore any of the matters raised by me in the totality of the history of these FOI's/Internal Reviews and I will be forced to consider other, more serious options which may include the new Secretary, the Minister, the Royal Commission into Defence and Veterans Suicide and, the Media.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address: https://www.righttoknow.org.au/request/a...

Yours faithfully,

Arthur Jordan

INFORMATION.ACCESS, Department of Veterans' Affairs

Thank you for your email. Please accept this automatic reply as
confirmation the Information Access Unit has received your email. An IA
Officer will contact you in due course, we appreciate your patience in the


This email is monitored during business hours Monday to Friday excluding
Public Holidays.


The Open Arms Veterans & Families Counselling service is available to
support members of the veteran and ex-service community and their families
and can be contacted toll free on 1800 011 046 (24/7). This number is for
counselling only. If you require urgent assistance, please call 000. If
you are unwell, please contact your local doctor or go to your nearest
hospital. You can also visit the Open Arms
website [1]https://www.openarms.gov.au/



Visible links
1. https://www.openarms.gov.au/%0dThe%20Saf...

Arthur Jordan left an annotation ()

Internal Review requested.

INFORMATION.ACCESS, Department of Veterans' Affairs

6 Attachments

Dear Mr Jordan,

The Department of Veterans' Affairs (the department) has received your
request for internal review of the Department's decision LEX 56865 under
the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act). Your internal review
request reads as follows:

'I am writing to request an internal review of Department of Veterans'
Affairs's handling of my FOI request 'A list of all inward facing
documents on the combined library of information and knowledge (CLIK)'.'

Your request for internal review was received by the department on 19
April 2023 and the 30 day statutory period for processing your request
commenced from the day after that date.


Where possible, your request for internal review will be handled by a FOI
officer who was not involved in the original decision.


Your address


The FOI Act requires that you provide us with an address that we can send
notices to. You have advised your email address is
[1][FOI #10105 email]. Unless you tell us
otherwise, we will send all notices and correspondence to this address.


Disclosure log


Information released under the FOI Act may be published on a disclosure
log on our website, subject to certain exceptions. These exceptions
include where publication of personal, business, professional or
commercial information would be unreasonable.


Further assistance


If you have any questions about your request, please email
[2][DVA request email].




Fiona  Position Number – 62211034

Information Access Registrations Officer

Information Access Unit / Client Access and Rehabilitation Branch

Client Engagement and Support Services Division

Department of Veterans’ Affairs

1800 VETERAN (1800 838 372)

[3][DVA request email]









Visible links
1. mailto:[FOI #10105 email]
2. mailto:[DVA request email]
3. mailto:[DVA request email]
4. http://www.dva.gov.au/
5. https://www.facebook.com/DVAAus
6. https://twitter.com/DVAAus
7. https://au.linkedin.com/company/australi...
8. https://www.youtube.com/DVATVAus

INFORMATION.ACCESS, Department of Veterans' Affairs

10 Attachments

Hello Mr Jordan,


Please see your Internal Review decision letter attached.


Kind regards


Brett | Director a/g

Position Number 62331110

Information Access Unit I Client Access and Rehabilitation Branch

Client Engagement and Support Services Division

Department of Veterans’ Affairs

Tel 1800 VETERAN (1800 838 372)

information.access @dva.gov.au





Visible links
1. http://www.dva.gov.au/
2. https://www.facebook.com/DVAAus
3. https://twitter.com/DVAAus
4. https://au.linkedin.com/company/australi...
5. https://www.youtube.com/DVATVAus