PQS - 12 months requirement

David Simmons made this Right to Information request to Queensland Department of Education

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The request was partially successful.

Dear Queensland Department of Education and Training,

I'm writing to obtain any paperwork that mentions the Pre-Qualified Supplier (PQS) funding requirements - specifically regarding becoming a PQS you must have 12 months existing training in the qualification you wish to get PQS in?

Yours faithfully,

David Simmons

David Simmons left an annotation ()

It now appears that this Dept has issued a broadcast on 2 Dec 2016.

I’d like to get feedback on a clarifying question about the statement in the broadcast supplied and the FSK20113 pathway statement.

http://training.gov.au/training/details/... clearly states, “a pathway to employment or vocational training”

But, the broadcast states, “Under the Certificate 3 Guarantee program the objective is for students to complete a vocational qualification at the certificate III level.”
Would I be right to interpret that the FSK qual under C3G funding null and voids the FSK pathway outcome as employment?

If that is correct, then the FSK competencies focus only on workplace environments not an educational pathway environment.

Dear Queensland Department of Education and Training,

My recent request into PQS (12months) seems to have been delayed unnecessarily, please advise?

Yours faithfully,

David Simmons

David Simmons

Dear Queensland Department of Education and Training,

The response to my request is long overdue from the department. Please advise on the progress or I'd strongly suggest conducting an internal review on my request.

Yours faithfully,

David Simmons

Locutus Sum left an annotation ()

This is strange. An internal review is not something to "suggest". The Act does not authorise an internal review unless it is requested by an applicant and an internal review can only be requested when a decision has been made. The decision does not have to be a letter that says "I have decided ...". It might be a deemed decision under another section of the Act.

It is also unfortunate that the applicant has chosen the "Request internal review" option in the Right to Know pages. It is unfortunate because it should have been only a follow-up letter and not an internal review request but there is no way for the applicant now to correct the status.

I do not know the Right to Information Act 2009 (Qld) very much but I do know that an application is not valid unless it is "accompanied by the application fee". This is in s 24(2)(a). Also in s 24(4) is says "The application fee mentioned in subsection (2)(a) may not be waived" ! So the applicant's application is not valid; he has no statutory right to a decision and he has no right to a review.

Suggestion to the applicant: Contact the agency by telephone. Find out how to pay the fee. Also learn whether an application from Right to Know is "in the approved form" for the purpose of s 24. Then when you have paid the fee by an outside method, update this page by sending a new reply, or withdraw this request and make a new one.

Vet Investment,

3 Attachments

Dear Mr Simmons


Please find attached correspondence relating to your email dated 16
January 2017 to Right to Know regarding Pre-qualified Supplier (PQS)
funding arrangements in Queensland.


Yours sincerely


Skills Investment and Market Strategy

Department of Education and Training

Email: [1][email address]

Level 6 | Education House |30 Mary Street | Brisbane QLD 4000   

LMB 527 | Brisbane GPO QLD 4000


Inspiring minds. Creating opportunities. Shaping Queensland’s future.

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Vet Investment,

4 Attachments

Dear Mr Simmons


Please find attached the Right To Information Application Form mentioned
in the attached correspondence.


Yours sincerely


Skills Investment and Market Strategy

Department of Education and Training

Email: [1][email address]

Level 6 | Education House |30 Mary Street | Brisbane QLD 4000   

LMB 527 | Brisbane GPO QLD 4000


Inspiring minds. Creating opportunities. Shaping Queensland’s future.

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From: PRESTON, Sandy On Behalf Of Vet Investment
Sent: Tuesday, 21 March 2017 3:15 PM
To: '[FOI #2956 email]'
Subject: ATTN: David Simmons


Dear Mr Simmons


Please find attached correspondence relating to your email dated 16
January 2017 to Right to Know regarding Pre-qualified Supplier (PQS)
funding arrangements in Queensland.


Yours sincerely


Skills Investment and Market Strategy

Department of Education and Training

Email: [2][email address]

Level 6 | Education House |30 Mary Street | Brisbane QLD 4000   

LMB 527 | Brisbane GPO QLD 4000


Inspiring minds. Creating opportunities. Shaping Queensland’s future.

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