Understanding MP Communication Practices and Constituent Engagement

Waiting for an internal review by Department of the House of Representatives of their handling of this request.

Dear Department of the House of Representatives,

Could you kindly provide insights into the communication practices of my MP, Mr. Brian Mitchell, the Labor Member for Lyons? Specifically, I'm interested in understanding the criteria or reasons for not responding to certain emails from constituents. Additionally, do you have any statistics or data regarding similar communication practices among other MPs? I believe that open dialogue, even when it involves criticism, is essential for democracy.

Yours faithfully,

Andrew Terhorst

Dear Department of the House of Representatives,

Please acknowledge my FOI request. It is the polite thing to do.

Yours faithfully,

Andrew Terhorst

Dear Department of the House of Representatives,

I understand FOI requests have to be responded to within 30 days. You have failed to do this. Please explain the reasons for the delay.

Yours faithfully,

Andrew Terhorst