Public authorities

Found 176 public authorities matching the tag ‘TAS’

26TEN is a network of organisations and individuals working together to improve adult literacy and numeracy in Tasmania.
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Aboriginal Heritage Tasmania is responsible for the administration of the Aboriginal Relics Act 1975 and provides Aboriginal heritage management advice...
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Ambulance Tasmania provides integrated pre-hospital emergency and medical services, health transport, aero-medical and medical retrieval services to th...
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The Anti-Discrimination Tribunal is established by the Tasmanian Anti-Discrimination Act 1998 and its main purpose is to conduct Inquiries concerning c...
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Aurora Energy Pty Ltd is an electricity distributor that retails both electricity and gas in Victoria and Tasmania.It also undertakes complementary act...
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Biosecurity Tasmania is involved across the invasive species quarantine and biosecurity spectrum from pre-border to post-border, policy and legislation...
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Community Corrections Tasmania supervises offenders on Probation Orders, Parole Orders, Drug Treatment Orders and Community Service Orders. It is also...
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Also called DECYP. The Department for Education, Children and Young People (the Department) provides services that enable all Tasmanians to learn, regardless of their age...
6 requests.
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The Energy Ombudsman of Tasmania provides a free, fair and independent dispute-resolution service for electricity and natural gas consumers who have be...
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FSST provides a comprehensive range of forensic biology and forensic chemistry services in Tasmania. Its clients include police officers investigating...
1 request.
The Forest Practices Authority is an independent statutory body that administers the Tasmanian forest practices system on both public and private land....
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Forestry Tasmania is a Tasmanian Government Business Enterprise responsible under State legislation for sustainably managing approximately 800,000 hect...
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The Tasmanian Heritage Council and Heritage Tasmania in the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment, work with the community to...
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Housing Tasmania connects Tasmanians on low incomes and in crisis, with long-term stable housing and support. Aboriginal Housing Services Tasmania is a...
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A Government Business Enterprise
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Land Tasmania provides authoritative location-based information and services to the Tasmanian community, including: Land Titles, the Nomenclature Board...
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The Launceston Travel and Information Centre is one of Tasmania's largest Visitor Centres in Tasmania and is located in the heart of the city, providin...
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The Legal Profession Board of Tasmania is the sole body responsible for receiving and investigating complaints about the conduct of lawyers in Tasmania...
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The State Library of Tasmania, the Archives Office of Tasmania, the Tasmanian Adult Education service, and the Tasmanian Communities Online now operate...
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The Local Government Association of Tasmania (LGAT) is the voice of Local Government to other governments, interested stakeholders and the wider commun...
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The Macquarie Point Development Corporation has been established via the Macquarie Point Development Corporation Act 2012 (received Royal Assent Novemb...
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The Marine and Safety Authority was established to carry out the following general functions: to ensure the safe operation of vessels; to provide and m...
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Metro Tasmania Pty Ltd is a state owned company established in February 1998. The company trades as Metro and operates bus services in Hobart, Launcest...
1 request.
The Governor is the Queen's representative in the State of Tasmania and is authorised by the Australia Act 1986, s7 to exercise all the powers of the Q...
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The independent Tasmanian Economic Regulator is responsible for regulatory activities in respect of the electricity industry, the gas industry, the wat...
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Orthotic Prosthetic Services Tasmania (OPST) is a state-wide service with facilities in Burnie, Hobart (94 Davey St) and Launceston. OPST plays a role...
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State Parliament
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The Parole Board of Tasmania has the authority to grant parole, defer making a decision on whether a prisoner should be released on a parole order, and...
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Since its creation in 1987, the Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority PAHSMA has been responsible for preserving and maintaining one of Austra...
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Private Forests Tasmania was established in 1994 as a statutory authority under the Private Forests Act (1994).
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The Public Trustee was originally established in 1915 to act on behalf of the Tasmanian people as an independent and impartial organisation under the G...
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The Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens is responsible for managing Tasmania's botanical heritage. The 14-hectare Gardens, established in 1818, provides...
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The Schools Registration Board was established under the Education Act 1994 (the Act) to ensure that non-government schools comply with standards for e...
1 request.
Screen Tasmania is the State Government agency responsible for supporting and developing the state's film, television and multimedia industries by incr...
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Executive support to the Service Tasmania Board and development of Service Tasmania services for delivery by Lead Agencies responsible for shops, phone...
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The Supreme Court is the highest court in the State and has unlimited jurisdiction, subject to Commonwealth and State statutory exceptions, in criminal...
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TasALERT is Tasmania’s official emergency information service. It is administered by the Tasmanian Government Department of Premier and Cabinet.
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TasBuild is responsible for providing long service benefits to workers in the construction industry and ensuring that both employee entitlements are pr...
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The Tasmania Fire Service, the operational arm of the State Fire Commission, was created in 1979 through the amalgamation of the State Fire Authority,...
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Tasmanian Adoptions and Permanency Services provide services to people who are considering placing their child for adoption, wish to adopt or care perm...
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Also called TAHO.
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The Asbestos Compensation Tribunal is an independent statutory Tribunal created under the Asbestos-Related Diseases (Occupational Exposure) Compensatio...
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Also called TASC. The Office of Tasmanian Assessment, Standards and Certification (TASC) is an independent statutory office responsible to the Tasmanian Minister for Edu...
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The Audit Office assists the Auditor-General to perform his/her statutory duty as laid out in the Financial Management and Audit Act 1990.
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Also called TBCITB. The Tasmanian Building and Construction Industry Training Board (TBCITB) was established under the Building and Construction Industry Training Fund Act...
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The role of the Tasmanian Climate Change Office is to coordinate the Tasmanian Goverment's climate change action in partnership with business, communit...
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The Tasmanian Clinical Genetics Service (TCGS) provides a clinical service for the diagnosis, management, counselling and support of individuals and fa...
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Communities, Sport and Recreation develops and supports the opportunity for all Tasmanians to participate in community life, sport and recreation. It's...
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Crown Land Services (CLS) facilitates the appropriate management, use and development of Crown land, including the licensing, leasing and sale of Crown...
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Tasmanian Crown Law provides an administrative framework for the provision of legal services to the Tasmanian Government. It provides support to the in...
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The Tasmanian Dairy Industry Authority is responsible for the food safety licensing, inspection and auditing of dairy processors and dairy farms.
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The Department of Health and Human Services provides a comprehensive, high quality, safe and sustainable health and human system for Tasmanians. It...
7 requests.
The Tasmanian Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPAC) is a central agency of the Tasmanian State Government. DPAC provides a broad range of services t...
1 request.
The Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment is responsible for the sustainable management and protection of Tasmania's...
4 requests.
Includes the divisions Infrastructure Tasmania (ITas), Mineral Resources Tasmania, the Tasmanian Office of the Coordinator-General, the Planning Reform...
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To promote for the Tasmanian community: a strong growing economic base; and a sound public sector financial position, consistent with the effective pro...
3 requests.
Conducts Tasmanian parliamentary and local government elections, as well as other statutory and non-statutory elections.
1 request.
The division provides protection and enhancement of the Tasmanian environment by ensuring development proposals meet environmental guidelines. It also...
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Also called GISU. The Government Information Strategy Unit (GISU) is part of the Tasmanian Archive and Heritage Office (TAHO) which provides the Tasmanian Government wit...
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The Guardianship and Administration Board is an independent tribunal established by the Guardianship and Administration Act 1995.
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By the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (Tasmania) Act 2010, Tasmania became part of a National scheme providing for the regulation of presc...
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