Department of Veterans' Affairs

Part of the Defence portfolio, part of the Veterans' Affairs portfolio and a Federal authority, also called DVA

Serving members of Australia's veteran and defence force communities, war widows and widowers, widows and dependants, through programs of care, rehabilitation, compensation, income support, commemoration and defence support services.

236 requests

(page 2)

Third party consultation in LEX 47267
Request to Department of Veterans' Affairs by Verity Pane. Annotated by Verity Pane on .

Awaiting classification.

The OAIC ridiculously claims I am not the requester for this FOI despite sending me three emails in the last few weeks.
DVA Royal Commission Branch costs
Response by Department of Veterans' Affairs to Verity Pane on .

Awaiting classification.

Dear Ms Pane,   I refer to previous Information Access requests you made to the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (Department) – LEX 48565 and LEX 5...
Freedom of Information Logs - FOI Request
Response by Department of Veterans' Affairs to Watson Norwood on .

Awaiting classification.

Good evening,   Please find attached decision letter and release bundle for LEX 57840. Kind regards, Suzanne| Information Access Officer Posi...
Dear Ms Pane,   The Department of Veterans’ Affairs (Department) has been notified of an application made by you for Information Commissioner Revi...
LEX 47367 and LEX 47367
Response by Department of Veterans' Affairs to Verity Pane on .

Awaiting classification.

Please use this validation code to complete your registration: 756444 Note: This code will expire in 30 minutes.
LEX records
Request to Department of Veterans' Affairs by Verity Pane. Annotated by Verity Pane on .

Long overdue.

There are a number of DVA foi decisions that have given access to LEX reports for foi applications received/processed by DVA. DVA in its decision and...
Position Tree Report as at 16 July 2022
Request to Department of Veterans' Affairs by Julie. Annotated by Julie on .

Long overdue.

Under Information Commissioner review
Incoming Government Briefs
Response by Department of Veterans' Affairs to JH on .

Awaiting classification.

Dear JH   I refer to my correspondence on 9 September 2022 in relation to an extension of time request made by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs...
SPOC Referral Statisics for July 2018
Request to Department of Veterans' Affairs by Verity Pane. Annotated by Verity Pane on .

Long overdue.

Ic review
Claims Diagnostic Project
Follow up sent to Department of Veterans' Affairs by Julie on .

Long overdue.

The phrase 'handling of my FOI request' is the template text used by Right to Know for internal reviews for decades now, and which DVA have processe...
IC Review
Schedule of Documents for LEX 45443
Request to Department of Veterans' Affairs by Verity Pane. Annotated by Verity Pane on .

Long overdue.

IC review
Attn INFORMATION.ACCESS, You still have not responded to my follow up of 3 May Verity Pane
Dear Ms Pane, Re: LEX 49105 I refer to your request for an internal review of LEX 47365. Your request is in the following terms:   ‘…I am wri...
High Needs Case Management Pilot
Follow up sent to Department of Veterans' Affairs by Julie on .

Long overdue.

On 14 April 2022, the Department of Veterans' Affairs (the Department) applied for further time to make a decision on my FOI request of 18 March 202...
Estimates Briefing Book
Request to Department of Veterans' Affairs by Verity Pane. Annotated by Verity Pane on .

Long overdue.

IC Review
Briefs that the Secretary signed in October 2020
Follow up sent to Department of Veterans' Affairs by Julie on .

Long overdue.

Still waiting for response to this reasonable request for copy the document you allege was sent. Is there a reason for this illogical rudeness?...
s 55G Substituted Decisions
Follow up sent to Department of Veterans' Affairs by Verity Pane on .

Long overdue.

I asked a question a month ago now and that is more than a reasonable time to give response. There is no need for such rude and condescending conduc...
Position Tree Report
Follow up sent to Department of Veterans' Affairs by Verity Pane on .

Long overdue.

On 9 February I asked: Dear INFORMATION.LAW, There is a very large number of positions in this report listed as vacant. Is this because of sta...
***Important message*** Thank you for your email.   Your email has been received by National Information Access Processing Team within the Depar...
Good afternoon Ms Imnes   Thank you for your below email.   The Department is currently undertaking a review of the decision made on 11 Januar...
Engaging Labour Hire for Call Centre Duties
Response by Department of Veterans' Affairs to Penny on .

Awaiting classification.

Dear Penny,   Please find attached the Department’s response for FOI 43595.   Kind regards,   Famida (Position Number 62212449) Informati...
Labour Hire - DVA Perth Office
Response by Department of Veterans' Affairs to Penny on .

Long overdue.

Dear Penny   FOI IR 40120 – Statement of Reasons   Please find attached the statement of reasons in relation to your internal review request....
Staffing levels for Information Law Section
Response by Department of Veterans' Affairs to Julie on .

Long overdue.

Dear Julie   Please see attached the Department’s Internal Review Decision dated 23 November 2020.   Kind Regards,   Chantal (Position Num...

Only requests made using Right to Know are shown. ?