Services Australia

Part of the Social Services portfolio and a Federal authority

Do not request personal information using this site. Why?

Services Australia is an Australian Government agency which is responsible for delivering a range of welfare, social services, health services and other services for the Australian Government.

331 requests
As of mid-2024, the review was still in the queue awaiting attention at OAIC.
Understanding the April 2024 Debt Pause Cohort
Response by Services Australia to Frank N Fearless on .

Awaiting classification.

Dear Frank N Fearless,   Please find attached the Statement of Reasons letter and documents relating to your request for access to documents held...
Providing full name and office location
Request to Services Australia by Anatoly Kern. Annotated by Anatoly Kern on .


4 years later and there was a response from Justin Lodge, from relevant government crimes justification department, issued under 2024-AICmr251. I can o...
Medicare Statistics for item 11503
Response by Services Australia to Deon Scheepers on .

Information not held.

Dear Mr Scheepers   Please find attached correspondence from Services Australia dated 9 May 2022 in relation to your request for access under the...
Business case and pilot for data matching
Request to Services Australia by Justin Warren. Annotated by Justin Warren on .


The government fought this FOI request so hard that I ended up in the Federal Court. The full bench of the Federal Court ruled comprehensively in my...
Implementing the Robodebt Royal Commission
Response by Services Australia to Frank N Fearless on .

Information not held.

Dear Sir / Madam   Please find attached a decision dated 3 July 2024 in relation to your request to access documents held by Services Australia un...
Benchmarking of Ongoing Staff Needs
Response by Services Australia to Frank N Fearless on .


Dear Sir / Madam   Please find attached an internal review decision dated 12 September 2024 in relation to your request to for internal review of...
Operational information portal - robots.txt file
Response by Services Australia to Ben Fairless on .

Information not held.

Dear Mr Fairless   Please find attached a decision dated 23 August 2024 in relation to your request for internal review under the Freedom of Infor...
Dear Jimp,   I refer to your correspondence received by Services Australia (the Agency) on 31 May 2024, requesting the following: I wish to obta...
Ministerial Communication
Response by Services Australia to Concerned Citizen on .


Good afternoon,             Please find attached the decision letter and documents relating to your request for access to documents held by Servic...
FOI Request - Monitoring Decision
Response by Services Australia to B on .


Dear B,   Please find attached the decision letter relating to your request for access to documents held by Services Australia, under the Freedom...
Our reference: RQ23/06237 Agency reference: LEX 77492 Services Australia; Frank N Fearless Extension of time application under s 15AB Dear Pa...
Dear Mr Morrison-Francis   Please find attached correspondence relevant to your Freedom of Information request dated 7 January 2022.   Kind re...
Dear Mr Morrison-Francis,                 Please find attached the decision letter relating to your request for access to documents held by Servic...
Dear Peter Pav   I refer to your correspondence received by Services Australia (the Agency) on 8 October 2023, requesting the following: How man...
Dear Sir / Madam,   I refer to your correspondence received by Services Australia (the Agency) on 24 September 2023, requesting the following: H...
Public interest disclosures
Response by Services Australia to Brutus on .


Dear Sir/Madam,   Please find attached the decision letter relating to your request for access to documents held by Services Australia, under the...
Great job! Having documented proof that there's no reason for them not to make links available on the FOI disclosure log clearly shows that they are av...
Dear Mr Jordan    Please find attached the decision letter relating to your request for internal review of a decision made by Services Australia,...
Formal review timeliness statistics in 2022
Response by Services Australia to Lei Ying on .

Information not held.

Dear Ms Ying,   I refer to your correspondence received by Services Australia (the Agency) on 8 March 2023, requesting the following: I request...
Dear Mr Banner,   Please find attached correspondence dated 27 March 2023 in relation to your request for internal review of a FOI decision made b...
Dear Mr Banner   Please find attached correspondence dated 27 March 2023 request for internal review of a Freedom of Information decision (LEX 716...
Dear Mr Banner   Please find attached an internal review decision from Services Australia dated 16 March 2023 in relation to your request for inte...
Dear Mr Banner   RE: LEX 71764 - Your FOI Request - Internal Review decision   Please find attached correspondence relating to your internal re...
Dear Mr Banner   RE: LEX 71778 - Your FOI Request - Internal Review decision   Please find attached correspondence relating to your internal re...

Only requests made using Right to Know are shown. ?