Public authorities

Found 2716 public authorities

0 requests.
The Commission is an independent, accountable and transparent agency that amplifies the voices of people with experience of domestic, family and sexual...
0 requests.
The Domestic Offsets Integrity Committee assesses methodology proposals for use under the Carbon Farming Initiative and advises the Minister for Climat...
1 request.
The function of the trust is to carry out works designed to improve the flow of water in the rivers and tributaries within Part of the Shire of Bowen t...
0 requests.
0 requests.
0 requests.
4 requests.
To implement the agreement between Queensland and New South Wales regarding sharing the waters of the Border rivers. To control of the construction, op...
0 requests.
2 requests.
To provide a co-ordinated drainage system for the removal and disposal of excess water from agricultural lands.
0 requests.
0 requests.
Also called ECU.
2 requests.
The Editorial Advisory Board advises the Minister for Foreign Affairs on the documents on Australian Foreign Policy project to document the evolution o...
1 request.
Education Services Australia (ESA) is a national, not-for-profit company owned by all Australian ministers. The company was established to support deli...
2 requests.
Also called EFA.
0 requests.
Perform functions that are permitted or required under the Act. Conduct a review of the appropriateness of the number of electoral districts whenever t...
3 requests.
To provide the Minister with advice on the maintenance, conduct and operation of Agricultural Colleges and to provide approved courses of instruction.
0 requests.
Also called EMV. Emergency Management Victoria (EMV) leads emergency management in Victoria by maximising the ability of the emergency management sector to work togethe...
0 requests.
The Expert Advisory Committee provides advice to the Government on activities that may be eligible under the Jobs and Competitiveness Program. The Mini...
0 requests.
The Government has established an Expert Reference Group to provide high level advice on the design of the Emissions Reduction Fund. The Expert Referen...
0 requests.
4 requests.
0 requests.
The Energy Ombudsman of Tasmania provides a free, fair and independent dispute-resolution service for electricity and natural gas consumers who have be...
0 requests.
The major challenge to be tackled by the Energy Pipelines CRC is to provide the Australian energy pipeline industry with the technology necessary to ex...
0 requests.
0 requests.
The Energy Security Council is no longer operating. The Council was abolished on 22 October 2013, as its role is no longer required given the Governmen...
0 requests.
Also known as EPA Victoria.
4 requests.
Also called EOWA. Administers the Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Act 1999. Through education, assists organisations to achieve equal opportunity for women....
0 requests.
We educate Australians about online safety risks and help to remove harmful content such as cyberbullying of children, adult cyber abuse and intimate i...
28 requests.
1 request.
ESSSuper is the trading name of the Emergency Services Superannuation Board.
0 requests.
To conduct 'water activities' (defined term) decided by the Authority.
0 requests.
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The Expert Panel for Major Coal Seam Gas Projects will provide advice on the adequacy of water management plans which the companies must submit under t...
0 requests.
The Expert Panel will assess the Declared Commercial Fishing Activity, particularly the potential for the activity to result in adverse environmental i...
0 requests.
Expert Panel to review Elective Surgery and Emergency Access Targets under the National Partnership Agreement on Improving Public Hospital Services pro...
2 requests.
Also called EFIC. Export Finance and Insurance Corporation (EFIC) provides tailored finance solutions to help Australian businesses overcome the financial barriers they...
4 requests.
Also called FWC. The Fair Work Commission is Australia’s national workplace relations tribunal. They are responsible for maintaining a safety net of minimum wages and e...
13 requests.
Also called FWO. The Fair Work Ombudsman’s functions include promoting harmonious, productive and cooperative workplace relations and ensuring compliance with Commonwea...
29 requests.
0 requests.
The Family Court of Australia, through its specialised judges and staff, helps Australians resolve their most complex family disputes. The Court was es...
10 requests.
Also called FLC. A statutory authority established by section 115 of the Family Law Act 1975. Advises and makes recommendations to the attorney_general concerning the w...
0 requests.
Authority responsible for the enforcement and implementation of the Noxious Weeds Act.
0 requests.
The objectives of the Foundation are to contribute to the improvement in the quality of health care provision in Far North Queensland through the fundi...
0 requests.
Port authority for the management of the Ports of Cairns, Mourilyan, Karumba, Thursday Island, Cape Flattery, Skardon River, Burketown, Cooktown and Qu...
0 requests.
Seven regional disability advisory councils have been established to represent the views and opinions of importance to regional Queenslanders on region...
0 requests.
The Federal Circuit Court of Australia was established to provide a simple and accessible alternative to litigation in the Federal Court of Australia (...
18 requests.
The Federal Court of Australia is a national court which deals with over 120 Federal Acts of Parliament. It sits in all capital cities and elsewhere in...
43 requests.
1 request.
As a university, Federation University Australia will hold information on its admission statistics and policy.
4 requests.
To supply water for stock watering and domestic purposes to landholders in the board's area.
0 requests.
Also called FCAB. The Film Certification Advisory Board provides advice to the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and the Arts on: certificates of eligibility for th...
0 requests.
1 request.
Also called FRC. The Financial Reporting Council (FRC) is the peak body responsible for overseeing the effectiveness of the financial reporting framework in Australia....
1 request.
On 27 September 2012, Quentin Bryce, Governor General of the Commonwealth of Australia signed the Corporations Legislation Amendment (Financial Reporti...
0 requests.
The Financial Sector Advisory Council (FSAC) has an ongoing role in providing advice to the Government on proposed initiatives to position Australia as...
1 request.
12 requests.
The First Peoples Education Advisory Group was a cross-sectoral expert advisory group that provided policy advice to the Australian Government on Closi...
0 requests.
Also called FRDC. The Fisheries Research and Development Corporation is a statutory authority jointly funded by the Australian Government and the fishing and aquaculture...
4 requests.
4 requests.
Also called FSANZ. Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ)'s role is to protect the health and safety of people in Australia and New Zealand through the maintenance...
3 requests.
2 requests.
The Forced Adoptions Implementation Working Group will perform a key advisory role to the Government on services and projects related to the implementa...
0 requests.
The Foreign Investment Review Board examines proposals by foreign interests to undertake direct investment in Australia and makes recommendations to th...
2 requests.
Also called FSSA.
0 requests.
FSST provides a comprehensive range of forensic biology and forensic chemistry services in Tasmania. Its clients include police officers investigating...
1 request.
The Forest Practices Authority is an independent statutory body that administers the Tasmanian forest practices system on both public and private land....
0 requests.
Forestry Tasmania is a Tasmanian Government Business Enterprise responsible under State legislation for sustainably managing approximately 800,000 hect...
2 requests.
The role of the Foundation to Prevent Violence against Women and their Children is to drive cultural and attitudinal change to prevent violence against...
2 requests.

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